Thursday, February 5, 2009

Government Of the People

I finally feel that I have a voice in my Government in addition to my vote.

Tonight I used the White House website whose design seems to invite the participation of the ordinary citizen, like myself. It's another example of the skilful use of technology by the Obama team to ensure that his Administration stays in touch with ordinary citizens. What a marked departure from the past regime that sought to deceive, to intimidate and lead us around by the nose.

This is so much better than writing blogs or letters to the Editor of newspapers.

I sent the following message:

The Stimulus Plan:
Please do not compromise it with more tax-cut concessions.
Keep the planned provisions for Amtrak, Science and Arts and Humanities.
Increase allotments for mass transit.
Tie the tax credit for autos to efficient technology, and the housing credit to middle and lower income buyers.
No further concessions to the Republicans. They will only be further destroying their party if they filibuster. The voters want President Obama's Bill, not theirs.


Arima said...

Good for you, Louis.
Those other fellows would rather see the country commit suicide than have the President do his work.

louis said...


Politically I have been a rather silent, private observer.

But that Republican "base" that seems to delight in ignoring reason and relishing, and benefitting from, the havoc their obtuseness has caused, is so closed to any rational discussion or argument, that they will only be neutralized by an overwhelming public rejection.

The election was the beginning. The majority cannot be silent any longer. Participation has to be positive and vocal. Thankfully present technology gives even quiet people like me an opportunity to make our voices heard.

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