Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Graying of America

We have been told for some time now to prepare for an America, in fact a world, dominated by older people.

But who would have guessed these consequences of such a shift of demographics?

Yesterday my wife e-mailed me a newspaper report about a couple being robbed while having “an intimate moment” in a dumpster in a lane outside an apartment.

Wacky, but not particularly thought-provoking... until I read the details (no, not those details):

The couple were 44 years old, the robbers in their 60’s and 50’s.
Think about that: the couple making out were middle-aged, not teenagers. The roving delinquents, seniors, not twentysomethings.

And the place? well it used to be a car parked in a secluded spot, a movie theater...those teenage hormones raged all the time so a couple could pick and choose their trysting place. Now, it’s a matter of when and where the Viagra kicks in for its limited opportunity.

The future is here and it’s not too pretty.


Pak Idrus said...

Louis, Interesting. BTW who took the blue pill, I think those below 50 do not need it. See what happen to those older who took the pill. It look like they became a danger to the society.

Anyway do have a nice day and take care.

louis said...

Interesting theory, Idrus.

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