Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A Bird's Eye View

The other day as I was flipping through my favorite live webcams doing my armchair travel, one of the cameras seemed to be obstructed. Odd, because that camera is located high above the city in a building, probably a tower, so it wasn't likely a person would be standing in its line of view.

There was a slight movement and the bird, whose back I had been seeing, turned its head to the left and solved my puzzle. This bird had perched right in front of the camera.

I realized that both the bird and I were looking down from the same vantage point on the Medieval city of Kuressaare, Estonia, below. He seemed to be gesturing me to take a look and share what he was seeing.

For a while I could say I was enjoying a real bird's eye view of that city.


Pak Idrus said...

Louis, you got a bonus!

Your got an eye view as well that of the eye view of the bird eye view.

Enjoy that eye view, you may get to view of the unexpected.

Have a nice day.

louis said...

Hi Idrus,

I was lucky :)

All the best.

Pak Zawi said...

That will prove that camera is really live!
Great take on everyday life.

Pak Zawi said...

Louis, all my new postings will be at

louis said...

Hello Zawi,

Yes, it does prove the camera is do raindrops on the lens sometimes.

louis said...

Thanks for your new url, Zawi.

This question of sites and accounts being hijacked is becoming increasingly widespread and dangerous. The social networking sites, with their tendency to gather all kids of personal info and share it, with or without consent, has facilitated this.

Now, to bookmark your new url.

Guanaguanare said...

Louis! What a wonderful surprise! I like to believe that these events are not accidental. I think that this bird from that great distance wanted to meet you. This is a Hooded Crow [Corvus cornix] Here is a clearer photo. Wikipedia says that the Hooded Crow is associated with fairies in the Scottish highlands and Ireland. The faerie folk have not forgotten you!

Pat said...

Simply amazing, Louis!

I am itching to ask you how you go about doing your armchair tours, but I won't - I am trying to cut down on my pc time :(

I'll just enjoy your travels here!

louis said...


What a magnificent thought, that my encounter with this hooded crow was associated with the faeries. Fits right in with the Medieval setting in which we met. It also recalls an even earlier time, that of Beowulf when man was at the mercy of natural phenomena and his search for explanations led sometimes to those mysterious faeries. Thanks for jogging my memory back to periods that I really enjoyed through their literature.

Thanks too for identifying the bird.

louis said...

Hi Pat,

If I were to consider the time I spend at my computer as one single activity, I would feel very embarrassed, no different from a couch potato. But in fact although I am using the one device, I am engaging in several distinct activities. So, lose any guilt about how much time you spend at your pc.

To contribute to your delinquency I will tell you how I do my armchair travel. I put my iPad on my lap and off I go. That's it. I travel light: no luggage, except maybe for a beer.

~CovertOperations78~ said...

Dear Louis,
Your feathered friend, the House Crow, had a twinkle in his eye! He was smiling, wasn't he?
I loved this post!

louis said...


Glad you stopped by.

Now that you mention it, that does look like a smile on his beak :)

That's a relief. When I first saw him I could only see his back. Had no idea what it was. Looked rather sinister, until he identified himself.

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