Wednesday, August 27, 2008

"Their Hearts Forever"

' Mothers hold their children's hands a while and their hearts forever'

My friend in KL, Idrus, sent me that beautiful and touching quotation in response to my post, My Mother's GPS

It is a thought that should be passed on, as I am doing in this post.

When our children were babies and my wife and I were both managing careers, we lived far away from our families. Getting someone to take care of the kids was always a source of worry. We would cringe at the thought that for at least fourteen more years we would have to be concerned about this problem, until the children could take care of themselves after school for the hour or two before we returned home from work. Fourteen years then seemed like an eternity.

But now, looking back, those fourteen years, in fact the eighteen years until they left home for University and would no longer return to the "nest", seem like a blink. We had held their hands for such a short time.


Pak Idrus said...

louis, Thanks for the kind words. Like you those images of the past do brought great memories of our youth. A wonderful period of the journey of life.

Have a nice day.

Pak Zawi said...

How true to what Pak Idrus said.
When the children grow up, they will have their own family to look after. Coming home to the 'nest' will be a once in a year affair once they are so far away. That is why I am enjoying the company of my children so much whenever I have the opportunity.

Jeffrey Chew said...

I am touched with these pictures. Stay in touch Louis. From all of us in Penang.

louis said...


Good to hear from you in Penang.

Matter of fact just last night I was looking at your blog, remarking how much Jefferson and Cornelius have grown and matured in appearance.

Best regards to all.

louis said...

Hello Zawi,

Yes, it's nice to have them in the "nest", but it is also a great pleasure to watch them fly and soar on their own after they have left it.

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