Monday, April 5, 2010

The iPad That Came to Dinner

The iPad that Came to Dinner

A guest at Easter dinner tonight brought the iPad he had purchased the day before when iPads first went on sale. It caused almost as much excitement as the new baby he and his wife had brought along.

I had decided to wait until the 3G model becomes available in two or three weeks, but after getting my hands on this iPad, it’s going to be very hard to restrain myself from going to the Apple store tomorrow and getting my own non-3G model.

I tried out its capability as an e-reader. Like most people who have delighted in books, real books, I have been cool to the idea of e-books, until tonight. Just wait until you realize that the pages not only turn with your fingertip, just as with a printed book, but the page will even stop in mid-curl if you stop “turning” it. You can leaf back and forth, just as with a real book, no buttons or commands involved. There is the feeling that you just can’t cosy up to an e-book in bed or wherever, but in its leather case, the iPad felt just as sensuous as a bound book, and along with that realistic page turning, the absence of buttons or keys or a menu, it’s easy to forget that this is an electronic device. And when you are ready to put it down on your bedside table, the case closes with an adieu just like the cover of a book.

In addition to having the feel and manners of a bound book, the iPad is capable of adjusting the size of the text and the brightness of the page to suit one’s physical needs, an important consideration for declining eyesight or restrictions in one’s environment such as a partner who would rather sleep or in, say, a situation with no ambient light. I could even adjust the text so that I could read without my eyeglasses. It should put the joy back into reading for anyone for whom the act of reading is becoming or has become somewhat uncomfortable.

At the end of dinner the owner produced his iPad claiming that it wanted to say “Goodbye” to me. Well, it almost said “Goodbye” to its owner instead. But I knew I couldn’t run away with it fast enough, and besides he knows where I live.


Pak Idrus said...

Louis, Interesting! Let me know once you have the iPad in your hand. Take care.

BTW the format of you Blog is still the same as I had told you.


hello my friend,

for me anything to do with Steve Job and Wozniak is really cool and that includes iPad. Looking at your post i can sense that iPad manage to capture your interest and I also think that not very long from now you might be a very proud owner of iPad ....good for you my friend

louis said...

Hi Idrus,

You bet I'll let you know when I get my's like looking forward to Santa Claus when I was a kid :) I should know better: I have all these other digital "toys" but some of us boys never really grow up.

Thanks for your feedback re the layout of my blog. If anyone else has noticed a strange formatting, please let me know. It looks alright on my computer, a Mac, but sometimes formatting doesn't transfer satisfactorily to a PC.

I have changed the size of the font and did a few other minor changes. Please let me know if it's better.

All the best.

louis said...

Hi Rizal,

If you are interested in getting an iPad, you might think of buying a new car. The Korean auto maker Kia has introduced a new luxury car and instead of a printed Owner's manual, it comes with an iPad with the manual loaded on it. My granddaughters are putting some pressure on me to buy that Kia and give them the free iPad :)

~CovertOperations78~ said...

Woweeee! What an endearing post, Louis! Now you've made me want to get one too. Do let us know once you've acquired yours.

I once said Goodbye to a Roomba floor vac so I am a bit closer to insanity than you are.

louis said...

Hi CO'78,
You lead a very mobile life: an iPad would fit right in.

I haven't got one yet, waiting for the 3G equipped version which won't be available until later this month. I'll have to go to the Apple store in the meantime to become more acquainted with the iPad.

I'll have to concede in light of your Roomba episode, but you'll have to keep looking over your shoulder in the Insanity Sweepstakes because crazy digital devices keep being invented and I am a target.

Guanaguanare said...

Just found this post, Louis. You are making me VERY interested...that e-book feature sounds great! Please tell us more as you explore it.

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